GET.invest Matchmaking Platform of the 8th Global Off-Grid Solar Forum and Expo 2024

General Data Protection Notice

To participate in the GET.invest Matchmaking Sessions at the Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo 2024 on the 8-10 October2024, in Nairobi, Kenia, participants need to create a profile on the event platform hosted on b2match. (For the data protection and privacy policy of b2match, please click here)

The data shared in the participant profile will be processed by GET.invest (implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), CONOSCOPE GmbH (an organisation under contract with GET.invest to help implement the event), and GOGLA.

The aforementioned organisations will manage your data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. The information you are asked to complete is necessary to organise the event you will be attending, to confirm your registration by e-mail, to create your profile with which you can be chosen and choose to engage in messages with other participants and to allow you to modify your registration. Without a registered profile, it is not possible to participate in the sessions. Your published profile on the b2match platform can only be seen by other participants who have been invited to the event and have accepted to publish their profile as well. Contact details, i.e. your phone number and e-mail address, will not be accessible if you don’t decide to make them visible. After the event, your data will be processed to conduct post-evaluation surveys by e-mail or phone call and to obtain general analytics about events implemented by GOGLA and GET.invest. By activating your profile, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose described herein.

GOGLA retains a list of participants of its "Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo 2024" event in order to facilitate invitations. For the privacy policy of GOGLA, please click here. If you want to delete or change your data, please get in touch with GET.invest and CONOSCOPE GmbH will store your data until 30 June 2026 for post-evaluation purposes and anonymise it afterwards.

You can obtain written communication of your data processed in the context of the "Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo 2024" rectification, restriction of processing, erasure, and where appropriate, portability of your data by emailing to

For further information or to lodge a complaint, you may contact the data protection officer of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 + 36, 53113 Bonn,, as well as the supervisory authority of the country of your habitual residence.